Thursday, June 7, 2007

iPhone Petition

I'm writing this post as part of my grass root movement to convince my wife to allow me to purchase an iPhone when it comes out on June 29th.

Hopefully, by your response will serve as a petition for such. I am not going to prevent and/or discourage anyone from entering multiple comments.

Help me please!!!!



Anonymous said...

I heard Microsoft is buying all of them up. You better pre-order now!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon Carol, all the cool wifes are letting their husbands buy iPhones.

Anonymous said...

iPhones are the coolest thing since sliced bread. Better order her one too!

Anonymous said...

I need to have at least one friend with an iPhone so I can show Kelly what we're missing. You've already convinced us to get a Wii -- now it's time for the iPhone!

Jeff Owen said...

iThink you should definitely get an iPhone. iM sure he'll let uUse it too. Don't think of it as an iPhone Carol, think of it as a urPhone.

Anonymous said...

It just wouldn't be right if you didn't have an iPhone How can you call yourself a 'Solution Undertaker' without one? Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

I think it would a good idea to buy your wife one so she could have a chance at having a new technology before you do!!!!

Anonymous said...

Previous post sounds suspicious...

Daniel Shelby said...

I heard the iPhone wards off speeding tickets between Indiana and Missouri.

Anonymous said...

Cam may lose some of his status as an uber geek if you don't let him get it. We don't want that now, do we?