Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Tribute

Last weekend, I went to Conner Prairie to see the Civil War exhibition. This was an incredible event. There were hundreds of Civil War reenactors that participated.

I have been interested in the Civil War since I was a teenager. In fact, I got into photography because of Mathew Brady. Mathew Brady was a famous civil war photographer. He was also Abe Lincoln's personal photographer. The picture you see on the five dollar bill was taken from a Mathew Brady photograph of Abe Lincoln.

As I was going through the camps on both sides (North and South), I was in awe their obvious passion of keeping the historical perspective of life during the Civil War as true to the real thing as possible. While in the Camps, these folks were living the experience. I would listen in on conversations these folks were having. They were speaking as if they were back in the Civil War period. They did not break rank at all. Yes, one heard the occasional cell phone go off the camps but it was rare. Going through the camps, one could get a glimpse in the every day life of a soldier during the civil war.

There were several activities throughout the day. Of course, I got several hundred pictures of the event. You will notice that look on the faces of the people in the pictures were serious. I rarely saw an actor smile or joke around.

I talked to several of the actors in and out of the camps. In the camps, they were in character. They would not talk about current events. They would tell you about life during the period. Out of the camps, I asked several of the actors how often they did these types of events. Most of them told me that they do this pretty much every weekend. They don't get paid. They do it because they are passionate about preserving the historical significance of the Civil War.

At the end of the day, there was an actual battle that was reenacted. The day went to the Confederates.

Last weekend made me realize and appreciate the sacrifices that Veterans have made throughout our history. These brave men and women have made it possible for the rest of us to enjoy the blessings we have as free people of the United States of America. To them, I thank you for all you have given and sacrificed to keep us free. God Bless You!


Click here for more pictures

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are awesome. Where Can I see more?